Is the World Just Holding Demonic Rituals Right Out in Public?

The answer is clearly yes. There have been musical performers that are doing it at their concerts and award show performances, and now they’ve held a Baal worship ceremony at the British Commonwealth Games. The Gordon Ramsay bit seems to just be in poor taste, but perhaps? The 666 is factual, just look at the Monster energy drink logo with the Hebrew alphabet, and they have the slogan “Unleash the beast!” of the book of Revelation. Consequently, the OK hand symbol, 666, and devil horns are another way satanists show their allegiance. If you watch television shows, they will just flash those hand symbols all over the place for no good reason. And they have actually put a statue of the Beast described in the book of Revelation and by Daniel outside the United Nations. More signs that the time of THE antichrist is growing near and for actual Christians the time of being snatched out of the world is even closer. Maranatha!