Senior Physician Warns: Aggressive and Unusual Cancers following Covid ‘Vaccination’ are on the Rise in Sweden

The thing to keep in mind is the VAERS data below is under reported and may only be capturing 1-10% of actual cases. And when placed in a review status the data disappears from public view. If the gene therapies were safe, they’d aggressively investigate these cases and demand autopsies and that all adverse events were entered into the VAERS database, but they do not. These gene therapies were rushed to market and the pharma companies were indemnified from liability, and no one has any idea what the mid to long term effects will be. And the megacorp news is still saying they’re safe and effective as their big pharma ads keep running between segments. No conflict of interest there to give you pause.

Dr. Ute Kruger is based at the regional hospital in Kalmar, Sweden. In a recent interview with the Norwegian Association of Doctors and Health Workers (given in Swedish and translated by RAIR Foundation USA), Dr. Kruger expressed alarm at the extraordinary rates of aggressive cancers she is now seeing. Dr. Kruger, who has worked in pathology for 25 years and 18 years in breast cancer diagnostics, has studied 8,000 autopsies and is now convinced of the link between vaccination and death, to say nothing of her conviction that many of her medical colleagues continue to deny these links.

However, the most recent statistics from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) through July 15th indicate that very little is far-fetched, and people are dying in droves: close to 30,000 reports of death. And that’s to say nothing of the 50,647 reports of myo- and pericarditis, a further 55,540 people permanently disabled for other reasons, and 33,009 more with life-threatening adverse reactions. Results through June 18th for the comparable European database register 45,752 deaths. These numbers likely include few, if any, casualties from the aggressive and rare cancers that Dr. Kruger is witnessing because these deaths generally take longer to manifest, and the causal link is more difficult to establish the longer after vaccination that death occurs.