Elitists’ Goal: Wipe Out Good Food

I’d go farther and say they are purposely poisoning the population with these unhealthy genetically modified oils being used everywhere, Canola (Rapeseed) and Soybean, not to mention a lot of other ingredients in processed food. You can’t hardly pick up a processed food product made by a megacorp that doesn’t have some form of these in them. They mess with your hormones and cause inflammation among other negative health effects. This is purposely to make you sick as a wealth transfer mechanism so you become a user of their questionable big pharma products that can wreak even more destruction on your health and well-being. But suffices to say that Food Compass and many studies on food health are corrupt products of special interests, so if you’re going to trust a study do your homework on who sponsored them as well as the people that did the research. And read the research papers as you’d be surprised on what flimsy grounds they make their conclusions. And this goes for most studies which are trash, so don’t blindly follow any conclusion because they mention “study”. One thing in this world that is a given, the corruption of man and the evils they will commit for money, status and power.