Terrible, Fatal Brain Disease Linked to Covid “Vaccines”

Early on in the Covid-19 vaccines there was initial reporting about possible prion disease with the vaccines. Now there has been some reports and study, and reading these accounts of those who contracted Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, a known prion disease, after vaccination and then died with their brains being destroyed is just heartbreaking. Dr. Joel Hirschhorn goes over the current status of what we know and what initial studies have looked into this adverse vaccine effect. Here in Wyoming we’re very familiar with prion disease as we have chronic wasting disease which is killing deer, moose and elk.

Dr Joel Hirschhorn on the Don’t Tread on Liberty podcast so you can hear the doctor discuss Covid-19 and the vaccine and judge for yourself his credibility.


Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn, author of Pandemic Blunder and many articles and podcasts on the pandemic, worked on health issues for decades, and his Pandemic Blunder Newsletter is on Substack. As a full professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, he directed a medical research program between the colleges of engineering and medicine. As a senior official at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and the National Governors Association, he directed major studies on health-related subjects; he testified at over 50 US Senate and House hearings and authored hundreds of articles and op-ed articles in major newspapers. He has served as an executive volunteer at a major hospital for more than 10 years. He has been a member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and America’s Frontline Doctors.