Suspicious Food Processing Plant Fires

At a time when President Biden is telling us to prepare for food shortages and the Rockefeller Foundation President is telling us we have six months until food shortages, we have a long string of food processing plant fires. Just like leading into the chip shortage there were suspicious fires, and leading into the fertilizer shortage we had a string of several suspicious fires of rail cars and facilities, these all look to be engineered and part of the WEF Great Reset where they’re going to remake the world with a new financial system. And to further complicate matters, rail companies are telling fertilizer and grain shippers to scale back their shipments by rail as they don’t have enough capacity (capacity could have been alleviated with pipelines taking oil off rail). And the grain producers ship feed to large ranches which will force them to downsize herds and further limit meat availability in the long term after an initial flood from meat harvesting.

Background on big processing plant fires and their contribution to the supply:

Overview of how many plant fires have occurred:

The Rockefeller president on food shortages, and pay attention to the mention of the WEF wanting to inject insects into the world food system. The “useless eaters” will have to enjoy their bug bars in the back of the train like in the movie Snowpiercer: