Not mentioned in this very interesting video is the whole tax exempt status for churches being linked to giving up their voice politically. Any church that agrees to be silenced over taxes isn’t worth their salt, and why they have had little to no impact on preserving our society. An interesting part is the false teacher’s smile tells towards the end when calling out house church members as rebellious and not in the church because he’s being knowingly deceptive. Also, there is anger in his facial expressions as he makes his pleas to get people out of house church fellowship and back to false church authority. Consequently, Satan uses his false teachers to get you under the control of men, and usually it’s one of the heretical false churches, as Billy Graham in his Rockefeller backed TV crusades referred new converts to Catholic, Anglican and other liberal church denominations. So I’d be very careful with what men I’d yoke myself to in this day and age, as there aren’t many that have or will earn it (this also sidelines your financial contributions to God’s work). A safe place to be is in your Bible, standing firmly on the truth, and never laying down your own reason to blindly trust anyone (Bereans were commended for scouring scriptures to make sure what Paul said was true). And a good sign of any con artist is getting you to lay down your reason and trusting them without careful examination. Sound familiar, “trust the experts” and “get the safe and effective COVID vaccine”. Also, does the church celebrate the human tradition holidays attributed to Christianity but based on paganism?