Toxicology vs. Virology: Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud

If you’ve read Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, all the medical fraud around Covid-19, you won’t be surprised that this isn’t their first rodeo. One of my favorite authors F. William Engdahl takes us through a bit of history on how the practice of medicine was captured by the money interests that corrupted it for their financial and eugenicist purposes. When it comes to medicine and doctors today that have been indoctrinated into a corrupt system, do not blindly follow them and do your own research. Especially on what pharma products they want you to take. Two consistent side effects I see in television ads are immune system suppression, and suicidal thoughts or actions. And a lot of medicines are to cover over symptoms instead of addressing other issues like diet and exercise. And whatever you do don’t take their untested and unproven “gene therapies” which have created SADS, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. And don’t let them cut things out of your body that they claim you don’t need, and research those organs as you’ll be surprised in the literature that doctors don’t fully understand how they function and there are usually side effects to their removal. To compound the scam of modern medicine, they have created a system that forces you to pay thousands of dollars per year as it’s part of your employment compensation that your employer hides from you. About a decade ago in one of my AT&T contract negotiations AT&T reported that the average medical cost per employee was $14.4k per year, but if you opted out they wouldn’t then add that to your salary. If you received that compensation and paid for medicine as you needed it, most of us would have an extra couple hundred thousand dollars in our savings accounts and be in better health as we’d take better care of ourselves so we didn’t have to pay those doctors. So don’t let this corrupted industry harm you like my wife’s friend that had a medicine she didn’t really need destroy an organ to where she had to get a transplant and stay on medicines that suppress her immune system for the rest of her life.