George Carlin Flashback Reveals: We Only Have the ‘ILLUSION’ of Choice

The Liberty Daily is kind of the old school Drudge Report which ceased to be conservative. Not sure whether Matt becoming a millionaire changed his goals, he was a spook to begin with, or could have possibly been threatened; but he betrayed the people that made him successful. And the Liberty Daily has a lot of pro Trump material, religious material pushing Christians to Trump, but it’s profoundly interesting that they clipped this right before the election. Carlin is dead on the money, as they’re not only going to the same schools and country clubs, but they’re in think tanks together and other organizations where they get marching orders and instructions. And when you’re running the world, you can’t allow a vacuum for people opposed to you to emerge that might get serious traction with populations, so you control the opposition yourself and destroy anyone who isn’t under your complete control. If people ever truly woke up to how the world is run, the OCGFC would be living on borrowed time.

My thought is both political parties in the United States are taking us in the same direction, but one fronts like they’re for you and will make things better. So true change to make things right will never truly happen, but you can at least vote for slower.