Global Planned Financial Tsunami has Just Begun

Another eye opening article by F. William Engdahl on the financial collapse inbound. Regarding the food price inflation predicted to be worse, I was just reading that Kansas due to drought might only have a small percentage of their grain crop worth harvesting as many fields are dead and in poor shape. And Kansas accounted for about a quarter of U.S. grain production in 2021. It was recently learned that big reason for the major rail companies telling customers to cut back shipments by 20%+ had to do with the mandated gene therapy and being short employees and talent with the trickle down effect being the forced reduction of herds and flocks as larch ranches can’t get their feed (also a PSR financial model impacting shipments too). And we’ve had several flocks culled due to avian flu and the faulty PCR test. Moreover, farmers are not able to get their fertilizer or water in many areas. Throw in the loss of a lot of food processing facilities due to suspicious fires and accidents and things are shaping up for a tight squeeze on food availability and exports. And growing extreme fuel prices are going to get added into everything. Could this be worse than The Great Depression? Food riots have already happened in certain parts of the world, so are they coming to America? Or are we looking at food rationing and the return of WWII ration books in modern phone vaccine passport style?