94 Percent of Medication Not Supported by High-Quality Evidence, Harms Underreported: Study

I’m not a fan of modern medicine, especially after the well documented harm they’ve done with Covid-19 treatment and “vaccines”. A friend of my wife was prescribed a medicine by her doctor that she really didn’t need, which caused her to have organ failure and a subsequent organ transplant. And I’m always paying attention to the adverse effects in pharma advertisements, and those should give anyone pause. One of my favorites is a medicine for you to take that is supposed to help with adverse effects of another medicine. And many of the adverse effects are immunity system compromise along with suicidal thoughts and actions. Consequently, the corruption of medicine is well documented in Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. So the recap below covers an Oxford study that more modern medication studies were not of sufficient quality and that adverse effects are underreported, which also coincides with the extreme corruption of the governing bodies in this same period. If you are forced to take a pharma product for some reason, look at generics that have a long history of safety. And I’d wager that is not what the white coat or his institution is going to recommend.
