OCGFC Trump on the Gene Therapies

Could he be any more disingenuous as we’ve learned the highly experimental COVID gene therapy was useless against COVID? I think this is an error as well as pretty disgusting, but we’ll have to see if this affects his support. But remember, his daughter is a WEF Young Global Leader and I’ll post the picture below of him and his daughter looking really cozy with Mr. WEF himself, Klaus Schwab. To bottom line it, he’s not being honest about the gene therapies or COVID and it’s a slap in the face to the families of those killed by their bioweapon unleashed through Operation Warp Speed not to mention all those injured or disabled. But as Lenin said, the best way to control opposition is run it yourself. What a worthless human being, and Americans are so duped they’re placing hope in him when Trump will just continue the OCGFC schemes that will see you in a coffin earlier. Side note, Megan Kelly just came out and said she was immune compromised by the gene therapy, and she’s interviewing Trump? I’m thinking she’s an asset and part of the con, as she determined her “vaccine” injury was because she got COVID so soon after the booster trying to take some heat off of the gene therapy having caused it outright.