WHO Stealth Coup to Dictate Global Health Agenda of Gates, Big Pharma

The disturbing part of the article is that WHO would have the ability to mandate vaccines and a vaccine passport system, supplanting the sovereignty of nations. None of this is legally binding at least here in the US, as a treaty would require it be passed in the Senate by a two thirds vote among other hurdles which could take years. However, our government has become increasingly lawless, so they could use the megacorp media propaganda machines to make citizens think it’s in place and enforce it as such. And judges have shown that they are no longer the arbiters of what is lawful, being corrupted by money or coerced. So anything is possible. Consequently, right now they’re talking about Monkey Pox infections with a vaccine having been approved in 2019, and they continue to ramp up the Bird Flu fearmongering of it jumping to humans (possibly engineered like Covid-19 was in China) as they cull millions of chickens because of the faulty PCR test results.
