Government Report Finds No Safe Level of Fluoride in Water; Fluoridation Policy Threatened

They have been trying to suppress this report that shows a connection between the neurotoxin fluoride and lowered IQ’s in children. The report was really referencing a whole host of studies that drew the conclusion that IQ in children was lowered by fluoride intake. The scam of fluoridating water is more complicated as it’s an industrial byproduct and contaminate, and with typical elite ingenuity they figured out a way to excuse its presence in water supplies while getting water districts to actually pay to take it off their hands adding even more to the water. And lowering the IQ of the population and children was a bonus, as you can make the sheeple you’re manipulating a little easier to control and more oblivious to the ways in which you are propagandizing them. If you want to check your water district and protect yourself if they do fluoridate your water, check out my post on the Clearly Filtered water pitcher which covers even more issues with your drinking water.

NORTH SUTTON, N.H., March 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — A court order has led to the National Toxicology Program (NTP) releasing a finalized systematic review of fluoride’s neurotoxicity that was blocked by government officials and concealed from the public since May 2022, according to the Fluoride Action Network. The NTP reported 52 of 55 studies found decreases in child IQ with increased fluoride.