America’s Long, Expensive, and Deadly Love Affair with mRNA

An interesting aspect of the mRNA technology is that the military is involved and as I’ve heard reported want the technology in place to deal quickly with bioweapons that might be released and used by other nation states. You know, like the Covid-19 bioweapon they cooked up in China with defense and NIH funding. Let that sink in, our military Department of Defense was involved in the creation of Covid-19 and the subsequent creation and testing of the mRNA gene therapy on all the populations they could convince to take it with their CIA steered media psyop. Consequently, the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of Health ran Operation Warp Speed. Too bad the technology doesn’t work as designed and claimed, but you have to wonder if it is working? These are organizations that are firmly in the control of the globalist elites who also happen to be eugenicists so concerned with population reduction and “man-made climate change”. One thing is for sure, all these government people have been caught in so many lies along with their prestitute media, why would anyone trust them? And why would you take anything else they want to inject into you?

Approximately 92% of Americans who took a COVID-19 vaccine have mRNA injected into their bodies with absolutely no idea on where it would go, how long would it last, and what price would be paid for having foreign genetic code loaded on lipid nanoparticles in human circulation. Its now known that mRNA is circulatory for at least 28 days and can be found stuck in lymph nodes for at least two months. Both of these may be short estimates. A recent paper by Lalani et al, from Harvard, summarizes the very intensive and expensive US government investment in mRNA technology. Normally pharmaceutical companies front the cost of drug development and then have to win FDA approval and later recover those costs through product sales over the next 20 years. Not the case with mRNA, here NIH BARDA and the DOD DARPA has paid for development using taxpayer dollars to the tune of $31.9B!

I have over three decades of drug development experience. I can tell you first hand that without the government crutch, mRNA would have died as a biotechnology long ago. The fundamentals of mRNA-LNP characterization remain incomplete and the companies appear to have no concerns over safety as long as Uncle Sam is picking up the costs and shielding them from liability.