The Pathology of a Religious Hypocrite (Mark 12:13-17)

A couple excellent points being made about the pathology of those that are in false religious systems. They will cooperate with one another as they are united enemies against the one true God, and they also will blatantly lie to you saying things they don’t believe to manipulate you. Consequently, John MacArthur brings alive this encounter between God and the different religious leaders in the temple as they try to trap Jesus. This reminds me of false teachers that hold events with religious leaders from other false religions as they are united in working together against God. No true follower of Jesus Christ would give credibility to the leaders of false religions or try to affirm their followers who are headed to the second death without Jesus Christ and His propitiation for their transgressions against a holy and just God. Only though Christ is there restoration to God, adoption into the family of God, and eternal life with God. So give to God what is God’s, and that is you laying your life down and accepting His Gift because He loves you.