Fluoride Added To Drinking Water Contributes To Rising Rates Of ADHD, Lower IQs In Kids

An interesting thing beyond the obvious is the part where it can impact sleep pattern and quality. And our local water district’s statement is illuminating, “Fluoride levels higher than 2.0 mg/L can cause health issues.” I think the lower levels are causing health issues as the government regulators are captured and corrupt and the entire enterprise was based on false science and way to get rid of industrial waste. Consequently, it turns out many regular charcoal filters whether water filter picture or refrigerator do not remove fluoride, so it’s recommended to install a reverse osmosis filter at a sink or for your whole home. But there is also a water filter picture that lasts four months which removes fluoride (98%), but in testing no measurable fluoride amount was detected in the filtered water. And keep in mind you’re probably getting fluoride in store bought beverages, at restaurants, or from well water; so holistic ways to detox your body are also a good course of action.

Fluoride is a developmental neurotoxin that affects short-term and working memory and contributes to rising rates of attention-deficit hyperactive disorder and lower IQs in children, yet many U.S. water systems still add it to drinking water.

On how much fluoride is in our local Cheyenne water, supplemented if the natural amount is below the desired level.

Does Cheyenne Add fluoride to Drinking Water?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends an optimal fluoride concentration of 0.7 mg/L in drinking water. At this concentration, the CDC has determined that the fluoride helps protect teeth. Fluoride levels higher than 2.0 mg/L can cause health issues. For more information on fluoride, please visit the CDC’s website or the Environmental Protection Agency’s website.

Cheyenne’s water sources contain an average of around 0.5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) of fluoride. This fluoride is naturally dissolved from rocks and soils in the mountains west of Cheyenne.

When the water from Cheyenne’s water sources is below 0.5 mg/L of fluoride, the Board of Public Utilities adds a small amount of fluoride that was mined from high quality natural deposits to increase the fluoride concentration to the CDC’s recommended concentration of 0.7 mg/L.
