Russians Rethinking Use of Tactical Nukes

According to Gilbert Doctorow who watched a Russian version of 60 Minutes, the Russians are rethinking the use of nukes in response to America wanting to give longer range missiles to Ukraine in order to strike Crimea and Russia itself. Russia is considering a response in the escalation of the proxy war that would include directly hitting NATO bases if things are escalated. So if the globalist elites think World War III is necessary to further reduce population and bring in their one world government which is receiving resistance from the masses, this could be how it escalates and ceases to be a proxy war to a direct conflict. And I’m reminded that the final antichrist will be hailed as a great peacemaker who arrives on the global scene to be worshiped by the world. Consequently, Putin and Russia are actors in the theater of it all, so whatever happens will be orchestrated. And of course, this could just be part of the show and keeping populations fearful, off balance, and easier to control.

As usual, Yevgeny Popov, State Duma member and host of “Sixty Minutes,” put a lot of video segments from Western television up on the screen, including a lengthy statement by Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, former commander of all U.S. forces in Europe from 2014 to 2017, on how the Ukrainians must be given long range precision missiles for them to attack Russian Crimea and also further into the Russian heartland. The interview from which this declaration was made does not yet appear in Google search, but from interviews posted in 2022 it is clear that Hodges is no madman, and his statements must, as Popov said, be taken with utmost seriousness.

The context, of course, for the radical escalation now being discussed in the United States is the expectation of a massive Russian offensive to begin shortly as the anniversary of the Special Military Operation approaches. The imminent defeat of Ukrainian forces has focused minds in Washington.

One of the regular panelists on “Sixty Minutes” then faced the cameras directly and said that Russia’s nuclear doctrine is under revision in light of these aggressive plans being aired in the United States, so that Russia is headed towards a policy of ‘preventive’ tactical nuclear strikes, similar to what the United States has.  Moreover, if Ukraine targets Crimea and heartland Russia, then Russia will respond according to plans now being laid down. These plans foresee counter strikes against U.S military installations in Europe and in the Continental United States using hypersonic missiles.  The panelist calls for this threat of counter strikes in Europe and the US to be made public and explicit, so that no one is in doubt about what to expect from the Kremlin.

So here we are. The Russians are stripping away the fiction of a proxy war and revealing the co-belligerent status of the US and its NATO allies in preparation for a kinetic war with NATO. As our illustrious former President, a man of few words, would say:  “Not good!”