Complete Demonic Worship at The Grammy’s…Brought to You By Pfizer

John Henry already has great analysis of what happened at the Grammy’s, but two big points to be made are the CBS tweet to the satanic performer below that they were ready to worship when he performs unholy, and that Pfizer sponsored the Grammy’s. Let that sink in that the pharmaceutical company responsible for so many human sacrifices over the last two years sponsored this Satanic Grammy’s event, giving thanks to their God Satan for all the money they made with the help of his agents in government and running the megacorps that coerced people into taking the gene therapy. So if you’re still believing the megacorp news propaganda and think their gene therapy is good, there’s not much hope for you. Consequently, this should make you question all their products, but especially those that came out within the last few years as they’re no longer hiding who they are. And of interest, Satan is requiring them to show themselves as his time to appear as antichrist is growing closer.

This has some additional details, but of interest is the audience wearing lighted devil horns to participate in the worship experience. John Henry is making the point that all these supposed “Christian” artists didn’t walk out, stayed to receive their possible awards, and said nothing. I’d go further that they’re faking “Christian” to get into the industry which is hard to break into, for which they are rewarded. And this keeps real Christian acts from gaining a footing where they might have real impact on the world. Satan’s gameplan is to devour and destroy, but where he can’t he will settle for neutralizing God’s people and their impact on the world.