WEF Warns Us Catastrophic Cyber Event Likely in Next Two Years

What these globalist elites warn us about are things they have planned and in the pipeline, or at least an option on the table. If I had to speculate, this will coincide with some dystopian scheme to get people to give away more of their rights for some promised illusion of protection and probably part of their digital ID initiative including CBDCs and vaccine passports, your gateway to the internet as we can’t afford any more anonymity online and also perfect for further censorship. It could also be great cover for further raising energy prices as part of their Great Reset and impoverishing the masses saving the planet who will own nothing, and supposedly be happy about it? Or just a foundation for transferring wealth from the masses to the globalist elites as the dollar numbers quoted are extremely high which will lead to a lot of big contracts with megacorp firms. Consequently, whatever these Satanists have planned will not be good for humanity.

“The most striking finding that we’ve found,” WEF managing director Jeremy Jurgens said during a presentation highlighting the WEF Global Security Outlook Report 2023, “is that 93 percent of cyber leaders, and 86 percent of cyber business leaders, believe that the geopolitical instability makes a catastrophic cyber event likely in the next two years. This far exceeds anything that we’ve see in previous surveys.”

Add in the extreme unpredictability of these events—Jurgens cited a cyberattack recently aimed at shutting down Ukranian military abilities that unexpectedly also closed off parts of electricity production across Europe—and the global challenges are only growing.

Edi Rama, Albania’s prime minister, spoke during the presentation, saying that the growth of the cybercrime industry—from $3 trillion in 2015 to an expected $10.5 trillion in 2025, Rama says during the presentation—means that if cybercrime was a state, it would be the third largest global economy after the U.S. and China.

