What is the Future of Food?

This is a great write up on the future of food by James Corbett, and how it is being weaponized against the citizens of the world. The only thing he didn’t hint at is the desire to use food to control in another sense, by purposely malnourishing and causing health issues to make people more malleable as well as use the medical and pharmaceutical system to transfer wealth. Another wrinkle as they’ve shown themselves adept to using gene editing with insects and viruses, is alpha-gal syndrome or the red meat allergy from ticks. And this syndrome only goes back to 2000 and there was also a cancer medicine that caused this in a few patients. Is this how they’ll get the world to stop eating meat and onto their alternatives? And was the tick release a test? When you have the globalist elite investing heavily in meat alternatives, ranches and farms, wanting people to not eat as much meat, and then we have a new mysterious meat allergy emerge, is that a coincidence?

But to really understand where this agenda is heading and how quickly we are likely to get there if it is not opposed, we need look no further than the story of Future Fields. This company and its product has managed to combine the Unholy Trinity of fake food: GMOs, bugs and biotech.

Future Fields, a biotech company in (where else?) Canada, has notified the Canadian government of its intention to commercialize “EntoEngine,” a type of fruit fly that “has been genetically engineered to express a growth factor isolated from cows.” This growth factor, it turns out, is an important component of the lab-grown meat recipe, which has so far required the use of “fetal bovine serum” (FBS)—a substance extracted from unborn cattle—to grow the meat cells. But now that the “EntoEngine” has been created, Future Fields is excited to use these flying “bioreactors” to produce the growth factor faster and more cheaply than before.

Yes, bugs are being genetically modified to produce growth factor that is then used to grow meat cells in a lab. This is the future of food if the mad scientists and their billionaire funders get their way.
