Remembering the Swine Flu Vaccination Program Fiasco

Reading the blog The Forgotten Side of Medicine this morning and he had this 60 minutes piece on the 1976 Swine Flu vaccine. Even though Wikipedia is heavily propagandized by paid editors, there are some interesting things to be gleaned from the page, and you’ll notice a lot of similarities to the Covid-19 plandemic with a rush to get a “vaccine” along with indemnifying the manufacturers. And a lot of money was made as the government paid for it (wealth transferred from taxpayers to the vaccine manufacturers and stockholders). Consequently, I remember lining up in the elementary school cafeteria and getting the jet gun shot when I was a child in the 70’s, though most information I found was that it was for small pox. But 46 million people took the Swine Flu vaccine so it has me wondering as the timing seems about right. What’s sad is that far fewer people were harmed with the Swine Flu vaccine and they shut it down, but they are still promoting the highly experimental gene therapies with a lot of evidence that it should have been shut down long ago. The fact is doctors and bureaucrats are far more corrupt today, so I guess that’s not that surprising. How far has the integrity of our nation’s citizens fallen in just a few decades.