Russia Supports Creation of Gates-Rockefeller “Pandemic Fund”

Here’s a glaring example that Russia is on board with the WEF and western globalist elites and all about the technocracy agenda. And this looks like the setup for another pandemic and getting their mRNA technology into every arm. And the world for the most part is clueless about how many have been killed, disabled and sterilized by their current gene therapies. And remember the globalist elites want a treaty where nations give up sovereignty to the WHO so they can efficiently deal with new pandemics.

Announced in April 2021, Russia’s Sanitary Shield program aims to rapidly develop “vaccines” (based on Sputnik V’s genetic platform) and PCR tests after the emergence of a purported health threat. Under the program, bio-checkpoints will be installed along Russia’s border—a process that began in December 2021.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Saturday hailed the creation of the Pandemic Fund:

This new financing mechanism will be a crucial building block of a stronger global health security architecture.

Importantly, the fund has been designed with inclusive and effective governance, and operating arrangements with high standards of transparency and accountability.

We thank our partners at the World Bank, with whom we have worked so closely in the start-up of the fund.