People Dying in Their Sleep Linked to Vaccines, Explains Dr. Peter McCullough, Cardiologist

Nice write up on why young people are suddenly dying in their sleep due to vaccination, and we also have a life insurance executive reporting a 40% increase in deaths which are not accounted for by Covid-19 infections especially looking at age groups. And we have to appreciate Dr. Peter McCullough who has been outspoken against the highly experimental gene therapies from the beginning, and who has finally paid the price having lost his board certifications and being terminated as the Editor-In-Chief of Cardiorenal Medicine and Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. If you have fallen for the deceptions to get vaccinated, Dr. McCullough now has a product to help strengthen and repair your heart and body.

A Surge of Catecholamines

Though it may seem counterintuitive, Dr. McCullough said that sudden deaths that happen during sleep are biochemically similar to the sudden deaths during or just after vigorous exercise.

The reason people die seemingly inexplicably in their sleep, Dr. McCullough explained, is sometimes because of a surge in catecholamines during the end of the sleep cycle. This natural biochemical change is the body’s signal to wake up.

Catecholamines are hormones that are made by the adrenal glands. They are released into the body in response to physical exertion or emotional stress. But they are also released during sleep, just before waking, as a signal to the body and the brain that it is time to get up.

These catecholamines can increase our heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate, among other things.

In the body there are three catecholamines: dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. A surge in catecholamines, whether it happens during sleep or during exercise, can stress the heart and cause it to beat arrhythmically, Dr. McCullough said.

Dying Before Dawn

If a young person’s heart has been damaged, by an infection, vaccination, or for any other reason, the surge of catecholamines can be lethal. This is the reason, McCullough said, that people seem to die in their sleep. They’re really dying just before dawn.

Scott Davison, chief executive of OneAmerica, a major insurance company based in Indianapolis, told an online news conference on Dec. 30, 2021, that his company was seeing “the highest death rates [they] have seen in the history of [the] business.”

Davison said that death rates had climbed 40 percent and COVID-19 fatalities didn’t explain the bulk of the increase. The people dying were under 65, which was unusual, since COVID fatalities were heavily tilted towards those 65 and older.