The Most Hated Christian Doctrine

John MacArthur takes you through the most hated Christian doctrine, and how this conflicts with every other religion on earth. All human beings are born under the curse and rebellious towards God from birth, and God being holy and righteous must judge and sentence us as His standard of justice is perfection and he can’t leave lawlessness unpunished. So contrary to all other religions, we are completely powerless to save ourselves by any human works, and nobody is good, not one. But God in His love came down into His creation and took our punishment upon Himself as a substitution so that if we acknowledge our transgressions and what Jesus (God as a man) did on the cross, we can have eternal life and adoption as sons and daughters. But even this is not of human will, but only in recognizing our unworthiness will God enable us to take Him up on His offer of grace receiving the free gift of salvation, being reborn of the spirit.