Government And Corporations Are Colluding To Kill Our Nation’s Health Care

In a rarity we have a congressman writing a nice article on what is wrong with healthcare in America. But when Chip Roy goes into how to the fix the system he’s losing sight of the fact that this is by design, and the corruption of medicine goes back over a century and involves the elite’s and their foundations corrupting schools and medical institutions by their donations and insistence on board seats to oversee their contributions…. What he’s describing in detail is the latest wrinkle to completely take over the system and turn it into a complete wealth transfer system while allowing government dictated care that is not in the best interest of patients. But if we did have representative government, his ideas could be plausible. And pay close attention to the last quoted section on what these plans are costing you as an employee.

America’s health care industry has a big problem on the horizon — namely that Americans do not trust “Big Health Care” with their personal health decisions. One silver lining to the Covid pandemic is that it lifted the veil of the public health bureaucracy, behind which lies a bloated, unaccountable, and opulent industry comprised of public health “experts,” Big Pharma, insurance companies, and large hospital corporations. But this problem presents us with a world of opportunity through its very simple solution: health care freedom.

It’s not because the Big Health Care corporatists just woke up one morning and decided to put health care out of reach. It’s because years of government regulation and the concentration of power into the hands of large corporations have marginalized doctors and patients. Setting aside the creation of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965, at least 10 major federal health care bills were signed into law between 1982 and 2010. These “reforms” imposed massive regulations on our health care system, creating an alphabet soup of government constraints — from UMRA to HIPAA, from EMTALA to COBRA — that have been squeezing out innovation and competition for years.

What do Americans get out of this? Restricted “access” to the greatest medical care in the world, and a lot of well-compensated politicians. Meanwhile, health insurance companies take in roughly $1 trillion per year. In 2016, 60 percent of the nation’s top five health insurers’ revenue ($213.1 billion) came from Medicare and Medicaid (up from $92.5 billion in 2010). In 2020, Medicare spending grew to $829.5 billion (up from $523 billion in 2010) and Medicaid spending grew to $671.2 billion (up from $404.1 billion in 2010). Big Pharma is making billions on the back of this system as well. For example, thanks to Covid-19 shot mandates and a tireless public relations campaign, Pfizer and Moderna are projected to make more than $93 billion in combined Covid-19 vaccine sales in 2022.

This expensive, broken health care system is also driving our national debt. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimates that annual national health spending will reach nearly $6.8 trillion by 2030. The Employer Sponsored Insurance exclusion — the single largest government tax expenditure — costs roughly $280 billion every year. It incentivizes employers to provide expensive insurance plans to employees — which are not portable, and cost employees an average of $6,000 for family coverage for a plan that costs more than $22,000. Then employers make up the difference by cutting wages and writing it off!