The globalist elite are rolling out bugs and propagandizing youth to be good citizens and eat your bugs while they do all they can to make meat prices skyrocket. And telling is the report the king of the Netherlands has invested in a bug farm. Of course when they’re done with meat prices, it will be a delicacy they’ll still enjoy while the peasants eat their bugs for the scam of global warming and the Great Reset green agenda with carbon accountability. And further proof they’re extremely serious about this, the UK (second link) is conducting a study with African kids eating bugs while they examine their health results. Of interest they’ll be looking at inflammation results, but not for your health but because inflammation is a desired side effect of many of their GMO and processed foods and responsible for a lot of health issues that cause you to get on the pharma wealth transfer train. And the main result is you’ll be easier to control if your thinking is impaired because you’re malnourished and unhealthy. And if some people die younger that’s a perk for eugenicist global elites. Now be a good citizen and eat your bugs.
In 2021, Great Reset author Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) argued that “we need to give insects the role they deserve in our food systems.”
Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who is considered the largest private owner of farmland in the United States, in 2019 invested $100,000 into an insect-farming start-up, according to the WEF, which has asserted that bugs have “scope to feed the world.”
And the other green agenda linchpin of fake meats shows just how unhealthy their GMO products are with inflammation and organ damage. And the reformulation with GMO soy replacing wheat which introduces more cancer causing glyphosate weed killer into the fake meat says it all (glyphosate is cumulative and in many processed foods on grocery shelves as they put soy in just about everything). These globalist elite are trying to harm and kill you, but not until they can milk you of as much wealth as possible.