Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Turns Negative Within Months: Study

So basically Kaiser Permanente and Moderna admit that the gene therapy actually weakens your immune system over time. Unless you top off with another booster I’m sure. Take a moment to reflect on this admission, your immune system is weaker and damaged because of the shot(s) over time. Doctors have reported a lot more cancers and other diseases with claims of VAIDS being a real phenomenon of this gene therapy experimentation, and we’re getting a large medical organization and the pharma company to admit truth to some aspect of these claims. And we know from the article I linked yesterday they were aware of the cancer side effect and why their government agents were manipulating data to conceal it. So they’re basically saying if you took their experimental gene therapy, you’re now going to have to continue taking our shots and paying us to protect you from the damage we inflicted upon you. But trust us, we know what we’re doing, follow the science. Good time to short life insurance companies that are already struggling with a big increase in death benefit payouts, unless of course we see the government move to bail them out to prevent a lawsuit and a flood of information coming out from discovery.

And we know there is a big risk of myocarditis and other heart conditions from the gene therapies as seen below and attested to by the Florida Surgeon General. But they’re still using their megacorp news outlets and government officials to promote these experiments, and California even passed a law that a doctor can’t even practice medicine but must tow the state’s line on medical diagnosis and promotion of vaccines and gene therapies. Fortunately, the latest numbers show people have tuned out from their propaganda, and a very small percentage of people are getting additional gene therapy injections.

Earlier this month, Florida Surgeon General released a shocking report. According to Dr. Joseph Ladapo, there was an 84% increase in the incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. That is a huge number!