Researchers Use GMO Mosquitoes to Vaccinate Humans in NIH-Funded Malaria Study

As you read the article it sounds like a great premise for a horror movie. There were a couple things I found interesting, one being where RNA is used to change the DNA of the mosquito. They’ve been caught in so many lies about the gene therapies, so do we believe it doesn’t alter your DNA? There was a claim that it did in fact alter DNA in the liver as it was found the mRNA didn’t stay localized like they claimed and moved throughout the body.

CRISPR is described as “a component of bacterial immune systems that can cut DNA” that “has been repurposed as a gene editing tool,” acting “as a precise pair of molecular scissors that can cut a target DNA sequence, directed by a customizable guide” — a piece of RNA with a “guide” sequence that attaches to the target DNA sequence.

And they’ve used these DNA altered mosquitos in pilots in the USA, Brazil, and India. And it was a failure as the GMO mosquitos were found to have reproduced adding their altered DNA into the wild. Their willingness to do this outside the laboratory shows a real lack of judgment or perhaps purpose.

For instance, the BMGF provided funding to Oxitec, a firm that has conducted pilot projects in Florida and Brazil using GM mosquitoes, purportedly with the aim of reducing the spread of mosquito-borne viruses.

In Brazil, the GM mosquitoes that were released were said to lack the ability to produce offspring — but were nevertheless found to have reproduced.

The BMGF also reportedly was “heavily involved” in trials using GM mosquitoes in India — and even went as far as to propose, in 2017, alongside the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, the development of a mosquito emoji, to be “used for public health campaigns.”

And the most alarming thing is that they are researching the use of mosquitos in delivering vaccines. They are also researching vaccines that spread to the unvaccinated having experimented with wild rabbits with some success. And I find Alpha-gal syndrome which seems to have more recently shown up with people bitten by the Lone Star tick to be highly suspicious. If infected the recipient develops an allergic reaction to red meat. And we’re in a time when the globalist elites are trying to steer the world populations into not eating meat and using insects and lab grown meat substitutes for the good of the non-existent climate crisis (really about malnourishing the world populations to be more controllable as well as transferring wealth with pharmaceuticals). Consequently, they’ve shown a willingness to subject the world population to experimentation with gene therapies, so could they have used the Lone Star tick as an experiment with Alpha-gal syndrome? Or is the tick release a setup to explain a mosquito release later? It would certainly solve the problem of getting people to stop eating red meat.