House Dems Passed a Bill That Is a 1st Step to Nationalizing Police

If you were wondering why so many Democrat run cities and their George Soros backed district attorneys are not enforcing the law and making their districts havens for lawlessness, no bail releases for criminals dangerous to the community… here’s your clue. They want to get their federal hooks into local law enforcement on a path to nationalizing local police. Consequently, if you lie to a federal officer that can land you in prison, and the federal officer can write a report lying about what you said and you can end up in prison (so never talk to a federal officer without an attorney present especially when they’ve been exposed using criminal informants to entrap hapless victims). But this Democrat program to give money to local police has conditions and auditing, along with direction on how the local police are to run their city. And not uncommon with taking federal money which landlords can attest to, you have to give up your rights. And if you doubt they won’t nationalize the police, take a look at our nationalized airport security, the TSA, post 9/11. What false flag event could be used for nationalizing local police departments in a time when the federal government without cause is demonizing “MAGA Republicans” as domestic terrorists and bold face lying about what happened on Jan 6th.