Working From Home Now Means Letting Corporate Surveillance Into Your Daily Life

Before I left AT&T, they had put tracking software on our computers and we weren’t even working from home. And the wife’s company did the same, and if you were working from home they wanted the ability to turn on the camera with no sound to check that you were working and following HIPAA guidelines. So this has all been in effect for many years, but the sad part is that both of us had jobs where it was easy to track work production and quality. All they were doing was damaging the relationship with the employee and lowering morale while collecting a lot of meaningless data and consuming management time with unnecessary systems, metrics and tracking.

Micromanaging employees in this fashion leads to less engagement and employees taking less initiative to help the business with fixing inherent problems created by misguided upper management. On the one hand they implore you to go the extra mile to help customers, covering over the flaws in systems and processes caused by decisions made by management, and with the other hand treat you like you can’t be trusted and just another replaceable cog in the machine (I saw many layoffs until I took them up on a voluntary one).

Consequently, one year we were forced to watch a video and speech by Erik Weihenmayer, a blind man who was a white water kayaker (now gone on to climb several mountains). What was meant to be inspiring in that you could achieve anything, was actually a poignant example of our corporate environment. A man with no business white water kayaking had this incredible team surrounding him to make it possible otherwise he would die. He was blind (management) and counting on the people behind the radio and standing by to guide and save him if necessary (workers). The ridiculousness of the whole thing just highlighted the joke our megacorp had become.

But the angle of using corporate surveillance to get people used to being surveilled is an interesting one, and when you consider the megacorp boards are under control of the globalist elite and their investment funds that oversee trillions of investment dollars, it’s a very valid observation. And it brings to mind how the megacorps were used to enforce a vaccine mandate on the citizenry.