1,200 scientists, scholars: ‘There is no climate emergency’

It’s always been rather remarkable to me that our climate data at best stretched back to handwritten accounts into the 1800’s, but usually the early 1900’s, yet man in his arrogance under the delusion of human intellectualism thinks that he understands the natural cycle of the Earth’s climate. And then to ignore the natural mechanisms and imply that human activity is changing the climate is an even deeper arrogance when it’s only a tiny percentage. Truth be told, it’s all a scam based on flawed computer models like the early one on Covid-19 that said millions would die as they fear mongered the world populations for shutdowns and to accept an untested gene therapy for a flu like infection. The other lie is how they manipulate the data, and this is all to remake the world in “The Great Reset” by bringing the ESG contagion to everyone’s lives due to this sham “climate emergency”. And their propaganda machines tell you over and over that the science is settled, but just like these scientists and scholars there have always been many that disagreed.

And here’s a taste of the new world they have planned for you when you own nothing and will be happy? Reminds me of the bug bars the peasants in the back of the Snowpiercer train ate while the elites up front enjoyed their good things.