If you want to know how the Newsom family has been involved with running California with a couple other families for decades, listen to the audio clip in this post.

But what narcissism to film this interview in front of burning homes which is actually showcasing your incompetence in running the state. But the smile tells during the interview shows just how little he cares about the people impacted. Usually smile tells are a sign of deception, but this sick guy might be getting off on doing the TV interview too. You’d think a professional liar like himself would devote more time to perfecting his craft, because he’s terrible.
Consequently, the OCGFC are just trolling us with this whole fire psyop, and far from being unprecedented, this is a normal weather event in SoCal, and droughts are normal as well. As a former California resident, we’ve always had wetter years that transition to drought years, so don’t believe the hype about global warming, unless they refer to their arsonist as Global Warming. And until the last decade or so, we didn’t have arsonists going around setting fires when the winds would be so high. I’d get out of California while you can, because they’re going to break you with insurance costs not to mention all the other ways their regulations are making things so expensive (rebuilding costs are very expensive and factors into insurance costs as well). And I’d like to see a deep dive into the fire hydrants, as you’d have to think purposeful sabotage at this point, as they should have pumps to keep the pressure up if being heavily utilized, and where are they pulling the water from? If you look at a multi-floor building sprinkler system, there is a small jockey pump just to keep the pressure up, but when needed a much larger pump kicks in to compensate for several sprinklers being active. You’d have to think a similar system employed for fire hydrants, as in the Sacramento region we had runoff pumps to help prevent flooding in heavy rains, and when they failed we had flooding in those areas.